
So You Want TeamSpeak to Talk to You

TeamSpeak (TS) has the ability to speak to you.  It can tell you that "Xerxes" has entered the channel, or "John" has left the server, etc.  This feature is particularly helpful if you do not have two monitors and TS needs to run in the background behind Neverwinter.  This feature is client based, so each person decides whether or not they want to turn it on.  To use this feature:

Create a bookmark if you are not already using one and enter the following settings.  Otherwise, manage your bookmark and enter the following settings.

  1. Bookmarks menu, "Add to Bookmarks"
  2. Click the "Go Advanced" link at the bottom to the left of the OK button.  This will bring up more options.
  3. Bookmark Name: Alliance
    Or whatever you want to call it
  4. Nickname: Xerxes
    Enter the name you want to see appear for you when you are on TS, do not put any tags on it such as [GT][SoS][TCA] etc.  These automatically appear when a server admin grants you privileges.  If you put your own, you probably will fool the server admins, and they won't grant you any rights.
  5. Phonetic Nickname: Zerk-zees
    Enter your nickname as in #4, but instead spell it as it would sound.  Many names will be just fine, but if you have non-English name with a different pronunciation, or a name with special characters, you will need to do your best to write it phonetically.  This is how TS will try to say the name so that it is meaningful to everyone who uses Text to Speech.  Again, only enter the name, no tags or other text.  Use the "Self" menu, "Set Phonetic Nickname" and you can try spellings out, press play, and find one you like.
  6. Server Address: ghosttemplars.teamspeak3.com
  7. Put a check in the final checkbox called "Connect on Startup," if you want TS to always startup using this bookmark.  By using this bookmark, you will not have to enter all of the above settings each time you launch the application.  This is super convenient.  If you don't see the checkbox, go back to step 2, and make sure you "Go Advanced."
  8. Click OK to save these settings.

  1. Tools menu, "Options," select "Notifications" on the left.
  2. Change the Sound Pack to "Default Text To Speech"
    Notice the "Get more soundpacks" link just above the apply button.  If you want a different soundpack, it is highly advisable that you use this link and only download soundpacks from reputable and well known sources.  You don't want to download a soundpack that is a Trojan virus or other malware, you don't want a keylogger that could harvest your login and get your game hacked.  Use only reputable companies for soundpacks.
  3. Select "Playback" on the left, and notice the two volume sliders.  The second is the "Sound Pack Volume," and you can lower this so that TS will make its announcement softly and won't overpower all the other voices in your TS channel.  I set mine to -37.0 dB, which is less than 10% of the slider.  Everyone's computer, headset, etc. is different, so find a happy place for you.
  4. Click OK to save these settings.
  5. VERY IMPORTANT: Now close the application completely and relaunch it.  All done, have fun with it!
Thank you to Nasali and the many others in TS that helped during the implementation of the Text to Speech feature!

by John@nevertoad


We can only get the boons you desire with your help!


You've probably noticed that the Templar community is growing stronger every day. We can do T3's so quickly and down 3-4 dragons daily. Awesome!

We benefit greatly from the boons we receive from our Stronghold: Power, Armor Pen, Defense, Hit Points, Mount Speed and Experience. We plan on adding two more boons by the end of the year.

Building up the Stronghold means more boons and stronger Templars.

To do this, we need your help via gifts to the coffer and the bank. You know how the coffer works. But perhaps you don't know how we use the gifts you send to GTBank or deposit into the bank.

These gifts are used as contest prizes; given to members who can benefit from them; or sold on the Auction House to raise astral diamonds.

We use the astral diamonds to purchase strongbox keys so you can open up strongboxes of influence (be sure to ask Fennik or Xerxes for a key when you get one!). We also use them to purchase stronghold strongboxes sold for Zen on the Zen market when they are on sale or with one of those yellow coupons. These are then opened during double shard weekends so we get double the number of those difficult to acquire conqueror shards.

We can only get the boons you desire with your help.

Please consider gifting the guild with something you don't need at least once a week with artifacts, epic equipment and weapons, gems, and unbound rare and epic rings that drop during runs. Even profession resources!

Thank you for considering this request for your gracious support.  We appreciate all that you do for the guild and hope you will continue to support our Stronghold development which becomes more and more expensive as we proceed.

All the best,
Fennik and Xerxes



Get a free companion and more...

A special promotion:  You can receive a free Archmage's Apprentice companion and some potions by signing onto Razer and following the instructions to get the redemption code at insider.razerzone.com 
The free companion is on the right...


On Cheating and Botting...


There have been some recent developments within the Neverwinter gaming community that deserve our attention and response.

Many players have been banned from the game for cheating.  Buying astral diamonds and in-game resources from third party vendors and botting are the main ways people cheat on Neverwinter.

Just recently two major guilds had their ranks and leadership decimated due to permanent bans being placed on some of their members who were caught cheating.

We do not want this to happen in the Templar community!

Therefore, the Council of Templars (the Marshalls and Guildmasters) revised the guild guidelines under section 3 on Respect to read:

"We are a respectful guild. Vulgarity and inappropriate behavior is not acceptable. Cheaters and botters will be kicked from the guild."

Have a great time playing the game!

All the best,
Fennik and Xerxes


Templars Hall - A Channel for Ghost and Spirit Templars

Join the Templars Hall

Hello Templars, we created a Custom Channel called GTST where Ghost and Spirit Templars can chat with each other, exchange information and join forces for leveling and questing.

How to join the Channel

1. You MUST have an invitation before proceeding.  Contact a Marshall or Guild Leader for that invitation.

Open the Chat Channel Configuration

(You can click these graphics to enlarge)
2. Click on Custom Channel

3. Click on Join (appears once you received an invitation)

4. Click the Chat Window Tab.
Click the Chat Channel on the left that you want and add the GTST channel by putting a check in its box.

5. Close the Chat Channel Configuration window.  And now you have two options:

[A] You can switch to the new Channel by typing /gtst and press Spacebar, each time the focus is not on GTST.

[B] You can create a chat tab with the sprocket, and permanently turn on GTST in it.  Go to the chat bubble in the lower left corner of the chat window, and put a check in the box for GTST.  This is the same as [A], but you just leave that tab permanently on GTST.


How to Invite Member 

This step is for Officers.  A member has to be online to receive an Invite!

1. Click on the Chat sprocket,
    Select Custom Channel tab.
    Select GTST.  Click on Edit Details

2.  Type in the character name and the
@handle and press on Invite 

All the Best


Transfer Astral Diamonds between Characters

How to Transfer Astral Diamonds

You want to go on a shopping spree for your main character but you can't because your riches (AD) are spread over many Alts?
Well here is a practical and easy option to gather all your AD on one character.

Note: The following method only works for characters on the same account!

Astral Diamond to Zen exchange

1. Open the Astral Diamond Exchange

2. We use the buy Zen (A) for Astral Diamonds (B
option to transfer the desired amount of 
Astral Diamonds (C) from one character to the 
account wide Exchange Balance following 
the equation: A x B = C
It is recommended to adjust A to reach the desired C.
If you adjust B instead be careful the value is 
always smaller than the current Unit Price in the 
Top ZEN Listings. 
Otherwise your Astral Diamonds could be exchanged to ZEN and that is not the goal here.

3. After you reached the desired value for C press the Post button.

4. Switch to Listings with a simple click on the Tab

5. Now you can see the exchange request you just posted.
Press on the Cancel button to stop that request.

6. Switch back to the Buy Zen Tab.

7. At the bottom of the window you now see your 
Exchange Balance and the stored Astral Diamonds.

The Exchange Balance is account wide accessible.
It holds ZEN and Astral Diamonds.

You can now log in to your Main or the Alt on which you wish to spend/store the Astral Diamonds.
Press on the Withdraw button to open the Exchange Balance.

Here you see the Balance storage and can now decide whether to withdraw all or just some of the stored currencies.

With a final press on the OK button the desired amount of Astral Diamonds will be transferred to the personal character storage.

Note: Any new exchange request you place will first draw currency form the storage of the Balance. So include that in your calculation when you place a new order, or always empty it beforehand.

All the Best,


On the way to the Power Boon...

Dear Templars,

Just four more days and the Ghost Templar's Guildhall will be Rank 13. Once it flips we want to start building the Barracks and upgrade that to Rank 3 right away.

That will unlock the POWER BOON for us!!!

For that Goal we need to gather the following resources:

Surplus Equipment : 17K more
Gems : 25K more
Frozen Treasures : 4.3K more

It would be amazing if we would achieve that in the next four days!

All the Best,
Xerxes & Fennik


New GT MOD 11B Ranking Structure


The Ghost Templar's Council of Templars has changed our item level based ranking structure to account for the new gear score system in MOD 11B.

The new item level achievements for the following ranks are:

 6,000 IL Rank 2 Templar
 9,000 IL Rank 3 Squire
12,000 IL Rank 4 Hero

Please place your new item level next to your name on the guild roster.

Thank you and enjoy the new content.

All the best,
Xerxes and Fennik

New Mod Impacts the Templar Guilds

The new Mod 11B will greatly impact the Templar experience with the introduction of a new battle quest event; an open guildhall that can be decorated; and ways to get more vouchers for the guild coffer to enhance our Stronghold progression.

The Templars and allies completed the first Stronghold Marauder's event in the Alliance on May 3 with nine players.

The daily Dragonflight frequency will soon be changed to respond to the new content.

Stay tuned....