
On Cheating and Botting...


There have been some recent developments within the Neverwinter gaming community that deserve our attention and response.

Many players have been banned from the game for cheating.  Buying astral diamonds and in-game resources from third party vendors and botting are the main ways people cheat on Neverwinter.

Just recently two major guilds had their ranks and leadership decimated due to permanent bans being placed on some of their members who were caught cheating.

We do not want this to happen in the Templar community!

Therefore, the Council of Templars (the Marshalls and Guildmasters) revised the guild guidelines under section 3 on Respect to read:

"We are a respectful guild. Vulgarity and inappropriate behavior is not acceptable. Cheaters and botters will be kicked from the guild."

Have a great time playing the game!

All the best,
Fennik and Xerxes

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