
Transfer Astral Diamonds between Characters

How to Transfer Astral Diamonds

You want to go on a shopping spree for your main character but you can't because your riches (AD) are spread over many Alts?
Well here is a practical and easy option to gather all your AD on one character.

Note: The following method only works for characters on the same account!

Astral Diamond to Zen exchange

1. Open the Astral Diamond Exchange

2. We use the buy Zen (A) for Astral Diamonds (B
option to transfer the desired amount of 
Astral Diamonds (C) from one character to the 
account wide Exchange Balance following 
the equation: A x B = C
It is recommended to adjust A to reach the desired C.
If you adjust B instead be careful the value is 
always smaller than the current Unit Price in the 
Top ZEN Listings. 
Otherwise your Astral Diamonds could be exchanged to ZEN and that is not the goal here.

3. After you reached the desired value for C press the Post button.

4. Switch to Listings with a simple click on the Tab

5. Now you can see the exchange request you just posted.
Press on the Cancel button to stop that request.

6. Switch back to the Buy Zen Tab.

7. At the bottom of the window you now see your 
Exchange Balance and the stored Astral Diamonds.

The Exchange Balance is account wide accessible.
It holds ZEN and Astral Diamonds.

You can now log in to your Main or the Alt on which you wish to spend/store the Astral Diamonds.
Press on the Withdraw button to open the Exchange Balance.

Here you see the Balance storage and can now decide whether to withdraw all or just some of the stored currencies.

With a final press on the OK button the desired amount of Astral Diamonds will be transferred to the personal character storage.

Note: Any new exchange request you place will first draw currency form the storage of the Balance. So include that in your calculation when you place a new order, or always empty it beforehand.

All the Best,

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