
Want to know what's up with the Templars?

AUGUST 4, 2017

Xerxes began the meeting at 3:05 PM on Teamspeak noting that Haelirin will be late, Perseus is on vacation, and Dusk had to sleep. Thyra has resigned from the Council for personal reasons. The guild is greatly indebted to her for her long service as Guild Crafter and Marshall since the Guild's Founding.

John gave a report on recruitment efforts indicating that we are at max capacity when one considers the number of current GT and ST recruits.  Xerxes noted that 72 members of Spirit Templars are level 70; however, many of these toons are alts of GT members.

Mrs Toons was not able to attend the meeting so Fennik reported on the bank as he has been very involved in raising funds for the Stronghold development by selling off Craft Store, GTBank and Bank holdings. Fennik stated that we have 1,000 Zen and 200K AD in the bank. There is a very large amount of shards and explorer scrolls in the bank as Fennik used the guild AD to purchase Stronghold strongboxes during the Double Shard event. The shards will be used for future Stronghold upgrades and the scrolls will be used to gather resources for the guild crafter.

Concerning Stronghold development, Fennik indicated that we are ahead of schedule as we continue raising resources to upgrade the guildhall to rank 15.  Our major bottlenecks are gems and influence.

Xerxes noted that Fennik will be giving a seminar on Stronghold Development on Sunday, August 6, at 3PM ET before the 4PM ET Regular Alliance Meeting.  He reported that the Alliance is at capacity with 13 member guilds. He noted that the Alliance is very active as indicated by the number of Dragonflight and Marauder events; the well-attended monthly meetings; and the on-going monthly educational seminars.

Fennik, who is the guild Battlemaster, reported that the daily Dragonflight is being conducted at 1:30PM ET with the help of our dedicated battlemasters: Dusk, Perseus, Fennik, Raz, and Haelirin. Haelirin volunteered to conduct a weekly Marauder's event so members can get weekly 600 influence alottment.

Haelirin reported that the GTST channel is functional. This past week he sent a guild mail to ST members inviting them to the channel and will do so with GT members asap.  Members will receive a rank 7 enchantment on becoming a channel member.

Xerxes reported that the blog and teamspeak are both very active at various time periods in response to specific happenings, i.e., a new article or seminar. He was glad to report that every Marshall uses Teamspeak.

Xerxes reported that Dr. Death graciously volunteered to become the new Guild Crafter.  He will work closely with Thyra in gathering the guild's crafting resources. Xerxes will produce a new Crafting Program page for the blog with input from Dr. Death and John.

The Council conducted Elections. Besides Thyra's resignation, Xerxes noted that the term of office of Ebb and Flow and Brandis has expired and that they will be returned to normal guild rank. The guild is grateful for their service. Haelirin and Dr. Death were unanimously elected Marshalls.

As the Council had no additional business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:15PM ET.

The next meeting of the Council of Templars is on Friday, September 1 at 2PM ET (after T3's).

Respectfully submitted,

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